Cybermato Consulting - Projects
I've done several projects for Professor Grünbaum of the University
of Washington's Oceanography Department; click the
links below for details:
- Added significant new features and extensive enhancements to an
open-source video analysis program to support video analysis of
swimming critters - Avidemux
- Designed and
implemented a Linux-based scriptable interface to a stepper motor
controller - StepIt
- Designed and
implemented a Linux-based scriptable interface to a Nortek
Vector velocimeter (3D water
current measurement device) - VectorControl
Projects currently under way:
- Designing and implementing a Linux interface directly to a
pair of stepper motors and associated sensors
- Optimizing a program that solves specific Partial
Differential Equations
Professor Grünbaum wrote this about my work for him:
More information about me can be found at:
Unrelated to my work for the UW, on behalf of my family and
everyone else trying to sort out fact from myth about the Seattle
Public Schools school-assignment system, in
February 2007 I applied my skills as a software engineer to find out
and report:
The REAL truth about
Seattle Public Schools Kindergarten assignments.
Some miscellaneous little stuff is collected on the Cybermato Miscellany page.
And I've done other random stuff that isn't really interesting enough
to list here, or which was long enough ago that I don't really remember
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