Cybermato Consulting - Stepper Motor Projects

A while back I wrote a Perl program to give Professor Grünbaum of the University of Washington's Oceanography Department a Linux-based scriptable interface to an Advanced Micro Systems SAX/DAX stepper motor controller (single axis).  The stepper motor moves a platform with a video camera on it, although the software doesn't really care what's moving.

We are releasing it here under the GNU General Public License.  It has NO WARRANTY - if by some chance it causes your device to explode, don't sue me (or the professor, or anyone else).

The current version of StepIt is 1.2 (stepit-1.2.tar.gz).

Download StepIt (if needed, right-click and select Save As or whatever the appropriate option is in your browser)
StepIt Documentation (also embedded in the program - run it with no arguments)
Sample StepIt script file
View contents of current release tarball

We are currently working on an interface that allows Linux to control the stepper motor directly, without using the Advanced Micro Systems controller.  Check back for updates on that.

You can also see more information about Chris MacGregor and other Cybermato Consulting projects,
or send me a note via the Cybermato Consulting contact form.